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Monday, August 8, 2011

Diving at Keystone Jetty

Sunday I went with my friends Andy and Mark to Keystone Jetty on Whidbey Island for a couple of dives.
There were over 20 cars filled with divers already there, making for quite a scene!  This is a high current area, so when slack occurs on a weekend afternoon you'll be likely to have plenty of company.

quite a bit of equipment on display.  Everything from beginner setups to doubles and rebreathers.

It was a good day for finding Giant Pacific Octopus, we found four over the course of two dives.  Our first  GPO was rightout in the open right underneath the piers.

Lots of Longhorn Nudibranchs at the jetty,  everywhere you looked there was a Hermissenda crassicornis.  

One of my favorite sculpins is the Scalyhead Sculpin.  The coloration on this one suggests that its a male protecting his nest.

We also found a juvenile Puget Sound King Crab, just starting to show some adult coloration.  When I looked at the photos at home I saw that there was a crack in his shell... looks like the beginning of a molt, where the crab breaks out of an old shell so that it can grow a new, larger one.

The underwater photos were taken with my Nikon D80 and the Nikon 60mm micro lens,  Ikelite housing with a flat port and two Ikelite strobes.  I took the Tokina 10-17mm fisheye to try some wide angle closeups, but figured the so-so visibility didn't justify its use.

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